European Forest Information and Communication System
What is it?
A European Network
We need your support.
European Forest Information on Demand
Distributed Database and Web Mapping for Forestry
Your Contribution to manage our natural resources
Why should you be a registered member of EFICS?
Login for registered users
Registration for new users
Designed by Markus Weidenbach, 10/2000.
In 2001/02 the EFIS will be further developed by the SAI/EGEO unit (address see below),
please contact EGEO for further information.
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Space Applications Institute (SAI)
Environment and Geo-Information Unit (EGEO)
Via Fermi 1
21020 Ispra
Phone: 0039-0332-78-5978
Fax: 0039-0332-78-9469