Aesthetic 2D-Index
The quotient of the perimeter and the area of forests can be used as an
index to describe the aesthetic edge effect of forest stands or afforestations.
propose an. For linear features like rivers, the quotient of the nearest
distance from start to end point to the real length gives an index of the
irregularity of the element (Weidenbach 1990). We used the index proposed
by Forman & Godron (1986, p. 189) to describe the shape of forest patches
in Burggen North and Burggen South (see ../report98/burgmap.gif).
A small number represent uniform shapes, i.e. a circle has an index of
1. The 2D-indices in Burggen reaches from 1,05 to 4,94.
Weighted (arithmetic) average of all Forest Quotients in
Burggen North: 3,09 (2,11)
Weighted (arithmetic) average of all Forest Quotients in Burggen South:
3,43 (1,72)