M. Weidenbach

Abstract of Poster

The poster shows prelimnary results of computer works which has been done in the scope of the European reserach project "Detailed Visual and Amenity Design Guidelines for Forestry (FORAM)". FORAM is a cooperation of 6 countries (Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Germany) with the objective to develop a common methodology for landscape design guidelines.
On one hand the project is focused on the research of geographical characteristics of the partner countries and the resulting different attitude of the population towards forests.
On the other hand FORAM researchs the suitability of GIS, CAD and image processing systems for visualisation and the aesthetical analysis of forested landscapes or prospective afforestation areas.
The project agreed on the application of ArcInfo (Unix) and Photoshop (Mac and PC) as the common line in computer technique. Furthermore every country is free in choosing additional  systems. In use are eg Microstation, LandCad, MacGis, GRASS, ENVI, Easi/Pace, TRETOP, VistaPro etc.
The images of the poster demonstrate some examples of ArcInfo, Photoshop and Easi/Pace applications in terms of the aesthetical analysis and visualisation of selected landscape units.

By means of Easi/Pace
* an anaglyph of the Upper Danube Valley was generated

By means of Photoshop
* scanned original images were revised phototechnically and panoramic images were composed
* photorealistic Simulations have been done

ArcInfo has been used for
* the analysis of parameters, which take effect on the aesthetics of forests and which are primarily based on forest inventory data
* generation of digital elevation models
* computing and display of views from frequently visited vantage points, so called "key view points"
* overlay of elevation models with terrestric and aerial photos, topographical maps or ArcInfo coverages.


Forstassessor Markus Weidenbach
Chair for Landuse Planning and Nature Conservation
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
Am Hochanger 13
D-85354 Freising
Further informations, grafics and images of FORAM are available on the internet: