Project Research
We are going to explore the new capabilities of the ArcView extension "3D-Analyst",
which will be released end of 1997. We expect, that this extension is a
key tool to combine raster and vector data in a three dimensional environment.
Previous efforts to combine raster and vector in ArcInfo (Unix) have not
fulfilled our expectations. The 3D-Analyst is also a step forward to incorporate
CAD functionality into the MultiMedia GIS. Using all three ArcView extensions
(Network Analyst, Spatial Analyst, 3D-Analyst) we intend to modify the
ArcView platform, - i.e. program it with the ArcView programming language
"Avenue" - in order to design a user-friendly and affordable GIS shell,
that includes all functionalities which are necessary to analyse landscapes
two and three dimensional in terms of the FORAM design objectives.
Our main objective is to design a GIS, that can be used by everybody
who is familiar with Windows but does not have detailed GIS skills, to
do FORAM specific analysis. One of the necessary programming tasks is e.g.
the design of a visibility routine with Avenue to analyse landscape elevation
models based on modifications of the forest and settlement coverages.
We finally intend to compile all findings and experiences in terms
of the proposed MultiMedia GIS to design computer guidelines.
The public preference survey will be analysed and results will be compared
to the findings of the group discussions. The amount and complexity of
the data gathered by the questionnaire are the reasons for the time consuming
data entering and data analysis. Special interest will be set into the
investigations concerning the public attitude towards species selection
and silvicultural methods as well as forest stand structure and effects
of forestry measures on sense of human aesthetic and recreational quality
of forests.
Results of our studies have been disseminated on following occasions:
We published and presented an article at the GIS Symposium AGIT97 in Salzburg,
Austria: "Digitale Planung und Präsentation am Beispiel eines Landschaftsplanes
im Bayerischen Voralpenraum" (which is also published on the WWW, see FORAM
home page).
An article for the "Landscape and Forest Research Journal" is presently
reviewed by the jury in Denmark and is to be published at the end of 1997.
The title is: "Multi Media GIS: a New Tool in Landscape Planning".
Multi Medial ArcView projects of Beuron (Study Area Upper Danube Valley)
and Burggen (Study Area Upper Danube Valley) has been presented to a public
audience of GIS experts and nature conservationists in June 1997 in Karlsfeld
(University of Freiburg and Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz Stuttgart)
and in the Nature Park Centre in Beuron (Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz
Empirical methods of the public preference survey and group discussions
as well as the GIS research were presented during a student excursion in
the Upper Danube Valley which was organised by our institute.
From November 97 to February 98 we are running a student seminar called
"GIS and Landscape Design", which is based on FORAM specific data and objectives.
All work is additionally disseminated by the WWW on "".