Consolidated Progress Report

November 1996 to October 1997

Detailed Visual and Amenity Design Guidelines for Forestry:

Optimising Rural Resource Potential
(AIR - CT94 - 1229)

Lehrstuhl für Landnutzungsplanung und Naturschutz
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammer
Dipl. Forstwirtin Petra Wild
Forstassessor Dipl. Forstwirt Markus Weidenbach


The Consolidated Progress Report 1997 contains results and drafts of all research work done by the German FORAM Team between November 1996 and October 1997. All research activities are related to tasks and objectives defined in the Technical Annex of the FORAM Design Project and common agreements during 5 project meetings since the beginning in November 1994 (see also tab.1). A detailed workplan informs about our activities throughout the year. In the respective chapter all results are described in more detail including the used methodology. The chapter "Project Research Ahead" lists activities and objectives for the last project period and finally the chapter "Dissemination" shows how the work done has been published and disseminated. Note that this report and all relevant files are stored on the FORAM home page of the WWW server in Freising/Germany.

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammer
Lehrstuhl fuer Landnutzungsplanung und Naturschutz
Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultaet
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Am Hochanger 13
D - 85354 Freising / Germany
Tel.: 08161-71-4780
Fax: 08161-71-4671

Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch
Abt. Luftbildmessung und Landschaftsinformationssysteme
Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultaet
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
Werderring 6
D - 79094 Freiburg i. Br./ Germany
Tel.: 0761-203-3694 Fax: 0761-203-3701

Project assistants:
Dipl. Forstwirtin Petra Wild
Forstassessor Dipl. Forstwirt Markus Weidenbach
Lehrstuhl fuer Landnutzungsplanung und Naturschutz
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Am Hochanger 13
D - 85354 Freising / Germany
Tel.: 08161-71-4665
Fax: 08161-71-4671


The workplan gives an overview about the German research activities from November 1996 to October 1997. The work was focused on research according to the objectives described in the Technical Annex of the FORAM Project. Additionally there have been a lot of activities in terms of general project management, communication and organisation:

Workplan from Nov. 1996 to Oct. 1997

Tasks Nov  Dec Jan  Feb Mar  Apr May  Jun Jul  Aug Sep  Oct
Setting up the new Test Site Burggen in Study Area III  * * * *
Exploring and testing Multi Media hardware and software  * * * *
Digitising and processing data from Burggen  * * * *
Programming the ArcView Projects Burggen and Beuron  * * *
Public ArcView project demonstration and feedback research  * * *
Preparation for 4th and 5th Project-Meeting  * *
Completion of Annual Report and Cost Statement 96/97 
Completion of FORAM- Dictionary * *
Completion of Questionnaire and Image Selection  * * * * *
Group Discussions *
Public Preference Survey *
Analysis of Group Discussions * *
Computer Training Course (SPSS) *
Data Input and Analysis of Preferences Survey  *

Meetings and Conferences

Several meetings and conferences have been attended in order to disseminate recent findings and to discuss and refine our own methodologies:

FORAM-Design Report97 Online

Like last year we continued to disseminate the FORAM report online, since almost all research data of the FORAM Project are digitally processed and it is useful to publish and forward research data in its original digital format. Depending on the hardware printing the data means always a certain loss of quality respectively increasing costs for layout and publishing. Digital data which are stored on the internet can be maintained permanently to the latest state of art. Limited data exchange on removable media due to file size and media format is not a problem any more, and further data processing by all FORAM Partners is continually possible.
To manage the FORAM data on the German WWW-server, there are two helpful internet services:

WWW-Structure of the FORAM Progress Report 1997

The Progress Report 1997 is designed in HTML 3 (*.htm) language for internet publishing. The introducing file in the report97 folder is called index.htm, it contains a table of content with links to other documents which appear on the screen after a mouse click on the underlined blue link-word. All documents and images can be printed locally.
The report97 folder with all linked documents is located on the WWW-server at the Forestry Faculty in Freising. To browse through the report97 you may use one of the current WWW-Browsers (Netscape, MS-Explorer, Mosaic). Since all the web pages are written with the Netscape 3.0 Gold editor we recommend the latest Netscape version.