At we specialize in processing digital aerial and satellite imagery
of forest stands. These days the classical image processing methodology has
been amended by new ways to analyse Airborne Laser Scanning data and High
Resolution Imagery.
We developed an algorithm to identify single trees from colour infrared and
high resolution airborne (e.g. Vexel UltraCam) or satellite (Quickbird, Ikonos)
imagery. The program generates a shape file (GIS) representing the area and
centroid of the detected tree crowns, including the tree height if a surface
model is available. The tree height is processed from Laser Scanning (LIDAR)
data or photogrammetrically from aerial or satellite (e.g. CartoSat) stereo
addition landConsult and its partners, the University of Freiburg and Cracow,
are permanently improving existing methodologies to filter and process huge
laser point clouds to automatically measure all laser-represented objects, such
as the forest road network, forest stands or single trees. By means of
scientifically proven correlations between the number of stems per ha, the
crown area and the tree height, the standing stock volume can be assessed. The
discrimination of different tree species is being done by a combination of
image and LiDAR processing.
recording (x/y-coordinates) of all dominant and visible sub-dominant trees from
aerial imagery and LiDAR or from space (Quickbird).
Calculation of
tree height (z-coordinate) of all detected trees.
Visualisation and classification (species, height,
density) of all detected trees in a GIS (point shape file).
Classification of
forest stands in terms of common features such as vertical and horizontal stand
structure, stand density, crown closure, mean stand height, highest trees in a
stand, and distribution of tree species.
Assessment of
standing stock volume per hectare and per tree species, calculation of single
tree volume.
Generation of a
high resolution terrain model representing slope, aspect and hidden
geo-morphological features covered by vegetation (e.g. ditches, rocks, death
wood, etc.).
detection and classification of roads, logging- and temporary tending lines.
Design of a
reliable and cost effective Forest Monitoring System based on Satellite data.
Presentation of
results in an Orthophoto Map and GIS, if required with authorised access on a web based system (GIS
MapServer or GoogleEarth).