Automatic Detection and Mapping of Sites with Natural Succession on Arable Land

On abandoned arable land, the natural process of succession and re-forestation starts as soon as the agricultural management stops. These sites will become forests again, sooner or later. In order to keep such areas open, the necessary measures have to be taken in a timely manner. Otherwise, the areas may lose their legal eligibility to receive European agricultural subsidies.

landConsult`s partner ProGea has developed a control method, that can automatically detect the early stages of natural succession on arable land using airborne and/or satellite imagery.

Critical sites can easily be mapped in a reliable and effective way, by applying this standardised methodology to large areas. The visualisation in a GIS and the combination with cadastral data enables the user to quickly determine the owners of specific tracts of land.


Our Service:

  • Geographical recording (x/y-coordinates) and accurate detection of abandoned land (formerly managed agricultural land).
  • GIS overlay with cadastral data to determine land owners.
  • Presentation of results in an Orthophoto Map and on a web-based mapping system (MapServer or GoogleEarth), with authorised access if required.



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    Literature and Links:

  • de Kok, R., Wezyk, P. (2005): Automatic Mapping of the Dynamics of Forest Succession on Abandoned Parcels in South Poland. Paper presented at the AGIT Symposium in Salzburg.