The Polish Environmental Impact Assessment Information and Communication System [INFOOS]

is available in

Polish** Polish Version and English* English Version

(** in June 2003 the Polish Version has been handed over to the Ministry of Environment in Warsaw, where it will be installed on a new server)
(*Beta Version)

EU Twinning Project PL/2000/IB/EN/01
"Strengthen Environmental Impact Assessment"


Polski System Informacyjny Ocen Oddzialywania na Srodowisko

dostepny w

polskiej** Polish Version oraz angielskiej* English Demo Version

wersji jezykowej.

(** in June 2003 the Polish Version has been handed over to the Ministry of Environment in Warsaw, where it will be installed on a new server)
(*Beta Version)

Projekt Blizniaczy  PL/2000/IB/EN/01
"Wzmocnienie Ocen Oddzialywania na Srodowisko"