Since almost all research data of the FORAM project are digitally processed it is a consequent step to publish and forward research data in their original digital format. Depending on the hardware printing the data means always a certain loss of quality respectively increasing costs for layout and publishing. Digital data which are stored on the internet can be maintained permanently to the latest state of art. Limited data exchange on removable media due to file size and media format isn´t a problem any more and further data processing by all FORAM partners is continually possible.
To manage the FORAM data on the German ftp-server, two internet services are helpful:
The Progress Report 1996 is designed in HTML 3 language for internet publishing. The introducing file is called report96.htm, it contains a table of content with links to other documents which appear on the screen after a mouse click on the underlined blue link-word. All documents and images may be printed locally.
The report96.htm file and all linked documents are located on the ftp-server at the Forestry Faculty in Freising. To browse this html-file and all following html-files you may use one of the current WWW-Browsers. Since all the web pages are written with the Netscape 3.0 Gold editor we recommend the latest Netscape version (there is a fast download site in Munich).
To get linked to the report96 type following URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into the command line of your browser:
Typing the correct password leads you to this page. If you are reading this page online, you may begin to browse through the report96 by clicking on
If you have any problems or comments, please use our REPORT96-MAIL-FORM