The Consolidated Progress Report 1996 contains preliminary results and drafts of all research work done by the German FORAM Team between November 1995 and October 1996. All research activities are related to tasks and objectives defined in the Technical Annex of the FORAM Design Project and common agreements during 3 project meetings since the beginning in November 1994. A detailed workplan informs about our activities throughout the year. In the respective chapter all results are described in more detail including the used methodology. The chapter "Project Research Ahead" lists activities and objectives for the next project period and finally the chapter "Dissemination" shows how the work done has been published and disseminated.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammer
fuer Landnutzungsplanung und Naturschutz
Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultaet
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Hohenbachernstraße 22
D - 85354 Freising / Germany
Tel.: 08161-71-4780 Fax: 08161-71-4671
Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch
Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultaet, Abt. Luftbildmessung und Landschaftsinformationssysteme
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
Werderring 6
D - 79094 Freiburg i. Br./ Germany
Tel.: 0761-203-3694
Fax: 0761-203-3701
Dipl. Forstwirtin Petra Schadel
Forstassessor Dipl. Forstwirt Markus Weidenbach
Lehrstuhl fuer Landnutzungsplanung und Naturschutz
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Hohenbachernstraße 22
D - 85354 Freising / Germany
Tel.: 08161-71-4665
Fax: 08161-71-4671