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SilviLaser Flash-Poster: "Developing Strategies for Large Scale Forest Inventories Combining LiDAR Data, Satellite Imagery and Regional Yield Models". Poster presented on the SilviLaser 2008 Conference in Edinburgh.

Click here to download and open the the 40 MB big poster in a new window (download may take a few seconds).

Please note: if you are able to read old Flash *.swf files, then click here to download the 1 MB smal Flash file. When you click the right mouse button over the new window, the Flash navigation menu will open and you can use it to zoom ("zoom" or "vergrößern") and move the poster ("forward" or "vorwärts").

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Download Poster DIN A0 Print Version (PDF, 40 MB)

Download Abstract (PDF, 8 kB)

Download other LiDAR/Satellite/CIR Presentations
