Oral Presentations
Einsatz der freien Software Quantum-GIS zur Herstellung digitaler Forstkarten.
Vortrag und Schulung anlässlich des AKFB - Seminars zur Fortbildung von Forstsachverständigen in Fischerbach am 11.05.2013.
Zu den PDFs der Präsentation
Herleitung von Kronenparametern für Einzelbäume anhand von ALS, TLS und Luftbildstereomodellen am Beispiel standortskundlicher Versuchsflächen in Sachsen. Vortrag anlässlich des Workshop "Multisensorielle Methoden zur Rekonstruktion der dreidimensionalen Waldstruktur", TU Dresden, 04. Februar 2013.
PDF der Präsentation [7.5 MB]
- Automatische Vermessung von Einzelbäumen und Bestandesstrukturen anhand von Laserscanning- und Satellitenbildauswertungen.
Vortrag anlässlich der Jahreshauptversammlung des Waldbesitzervereins Nordschwarzwald am 27. Feb. 2009 in Seewald-Besenfeld.
[Powerpoint Presentation].
- Large Scale Forest Taxation based on Single Tree Measurements using Airborne Laser Scanning Data and Spectral Information from Quickbird Satellite Imagery and Digital Orthophotos. Presentation at ICAS Conference: "Sustainable Forest Management in a Changing Environment Context". Bucharest 2008 [Powerpoint Presentation] .
- Generierung von Informationen für die Forsteinrichtung auf Basis von Airborne Laser Scanning Daten (ALS) und digitalen Farbinfrarotbildern (CIR) am Beispiel von zwei Untersuchungsflächen in Sachsen.Vortrag anlässlich der Sachsenforst Tagung "Laserscanning - ein Werkzeug für die Forsteinrichtung". Dresden, 04. März 2008. [Powerpoint Presentation]
Beteiligung der MatchWood Praxispartner an der Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Laser gestützten Erfassung und zum Internet basierten Austausch forstwirtschaftlicher Inventur- und Planungsdaten. Vorstellung vorläufiger Ergebnisse an der FVA in Freiburg. [PowerPoint Presentation]
Multifunctional Landuse Planning and Forest Landscape Restoration - Guest Lecture at the Agricultural University of Krakow, Faculty for Forest Science.[PowerPoint Presentation] (25 MB big!, max. download speed 48 kb/sec).
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Poland. Workshop of the EU/Phare/Twinning Project in Warsaw.
Internet Technology as a Tool to Improve Public Participation in the Scope of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Poland [PowerPoint Presentation]).
INFOOS: The Polish Environmental Information and Communication System - Technological and Organisational Aspects of the Implementation of a System to Support Poland in the Environmental Impact Assessment.
The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union - 17th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection in Cottbus 2003.
The Polish EIA/SEA Information and Communication System.
Ministry of the Environment in Warsaw
(Online Demo, [102 kB] and WebPortal).
Concepts of a Distributed Database Management - Case studies for
a Product Information and Publication System and the Protoype of a
European Forest Information System. Presentation at the EGEO Seminar of JRC´s Space
Applications Institute in Ispra, Italy. (Online Demo)
New ways to present the EGEO unit on the WWW - Presentation at the Space
Applications Institute of the JRC in Ispra, Italy. (Online Demo)
Hosting the international ALPMON project group in Freising and presenting results of FORAM research in the Bavarian Alps (Spitzingsee).
Presentation of the paper "Einsatz und Akzeptanz eines multimedialen GIS in der kommunalen
Landschaftsplanung" at the international GIS symposium "AGIT" in Salzburg (see also this).
"Geographische Informationssysteme - Anwendung und Einsatz in Umweltschutz und Landschaftsplanung".
Following an invitation of the Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz
Baden-Wuerttemberg and the Landesanstalt fuer Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe,
7th July. 1999 (Online Demo).
Weihenstephaner Kolloquium für Landschaftsoekologie, Geobotanik und
Naturschutz on 27th November 1997.
6th FORAM meeting in Portugal from 24th to
30th January 1998
"The Role of Computer Technology in the
FORAM Project", see: the Online Demo.
26th February 1998 for the women association of the political
CSU party at the faculty of forest science in Freising
- On the 11th June at the seminar 'Forest Landscape and Design'
in Dublin: 'Use of Advanced Computer Techniques in Forest Landscape
Planning and Design' (see the Online Demo).
- Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Wuerttemberg: 'Aufbau und
Akzeptanz eines interaktiven GIS für die gemeindliche Landschaftsplanung'
at a national GIS symposium, 17.06.1998 in Freiburg.
- Presentation of research findings at the 'Forstliche Hochschulwoche der
Forstlichen Fakultaet in Muenchen', a symposium of national reputation where
the latest forest research in Germany is published.
- 5th FORAM Project Meeting in Aberdeen/Scotland (June/July 1997)
- "Landscape Conservation and Tourism": Symposium of the Akademie für
Natur und Umweltschutz in Beuron (Study Area Upper Danube Valley) in June
- GIS - Symposium of the University of Freiburg and the Akademie für
Natur und Umweltschutz in Karlsfeld (June 1997)
- GIS - Conference "Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung"
(AGIT, Applied Geographical Information Processing) in Salzburg/Austria
(4th.July 1997)
- Empirical methods of the public preference survey and group discussions as
well as the GIS research were presented during a student excursion in the
Upper Danube Valley.
- Presenting the results of a student seminar about "GIS and Landscape Design".
- Representation of the Institute at the kick off meeting of the FORAM
research project in Dublin with all participating countries (27th
November to 4th December 1994)
- 2nd international FORAM Project Meeting in Munich, Germany (2nd
to 10th July 1995)